11 E-Commerce Website Design Features You Must Have
For people that want to work from home, e-commerce can be the ideal industry to get into, but it can also be a challenge. According to Statista, the UK has the biggest e-commerce market in Europe. In this post, we’re going to discuss 11 e-commerce website design features you can’t afford to miss.
The Top 11 E-Commerce Website Design Features
It’s important to note that all websites are unique, and if each followed the same design, then it might not work for specific niches. But, there are certain features you can incorporate into your design while still maintaining your brand identity.
Mobile Responsive Website Design
In this day and age, if you don’t have a responsive website, then you might as well not have one at all. Shoppers want convenience, and it’s a lot easier to use a mobile device to shop instead of turning a laptop on.
When a website is responsive, the content and design features adapt to a variety of screen sizes. It improves the navigational elements of a site, which results in a positive user experience.
Companies around the world realise how important it is to optimise a website. Walmart managed to increase its mobile sales by 98%, which shows that taking a small step and making your site mobile friendly can turn your business around.
User Reviews
Everyone reads reviews. Think about the last time you shopped on Amazon. Did you see a product and click the buy now button straight away? The chances are you scroll down to the user reviews before making a purchase.
Positive reviews can convince a potential buyer that your products are worth their investment. Nobody wants to waste money, so not displaying customer reviews will impact your business.
Negative reviews should also be present on your website. If a visitor sees nothing but five-star positive reviews, they might get suspicious and think your site isn’t reputable. Include a mix of positive and negative reviews so buyers understand the drawbacks and can make an informed decision.
There are plugins available from Yelp, Facebook and Foursquare, so you can choose which reviews to display. Sharing these reviews to your social media profile is a great way to keep your business in people’s minds without spending ages on finding content.
Special Offers
Never underestimate the power of a special offer, because everyone loves to save money. E-commerce websites should always include a compelling offer for their visitors. Popular options include discounts when signing up and buy one get one free incentives.
Another method a lot of e-commerce websites use is the flash sale. For a specified amount of time, visitors can get huge discounts on products. Flash sales are prevalent because they create a sense of urgency and can result in more sales.
If you use regular promotions, you can keep your site in people’s minds and improve your SEO rankings.
Related Items
Related items are so dangerous for consumers but excellent for e-commerce sites. When a buyer makes a purchase, a related items list comes up to show similar products. For example, if someone buys some hair straighteners, a related item could be heat protection spray.
Showing your buyer related items gives them the impression that you get them, and consumers prefer a personalised experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
The biggest issue with e-commerce sites is they lack the face to face interaction consumers often seek out. For example, if someone wants to purchase new makeup, they can head to a cosmetics store and receive advice about which products are best for their skin type and tone.
Online shopping is undoubtedly more convenient, especially for people that have hectic jobs, but it does mean that consumers can’t always get a completely personalised experience. The best way to deal with this issue is to have an FAQ section for each of your products.
FAQ sections can answer the most critical questions a user might have about your product. For example, which skin types and tones do the product suit? How should it be applied? Should people with certain skin types avoid it?
When people have the answers to their questions, they’re more likely to purchase your product. Giving your customers the information they need to make an informed decision means more people will trust your site, and you can generate consumer loyalty.
Security Features
Internet security is vital, especially in this day and age. As you can see from this article in Security Magazine, there are thousands of security breaches each year which expose the data of millions of people.
If your website isn’t secure, people won’t purchase a product. The last thing anyone wants is to risk their personal information from being exposed. Luckily, there are ways you can instil confidence in your users and ensure no personal data breaches occur.
Once you have a secure platform for your e-commerce business, you need four other things; SSL certificates, firewall, a privacy policy and two-factor authentication.
SSL Certificates
An SSL certificate secures the connection between your user’s browser and your website. People know when a website is secure because there is a green lock in the browser bar. Secure websites also display as HTTPS instead of HTTP.
You can learn more about SSL certificates here.
A firewall creates a barrier between two networks and only allows authorised traffic through. It blocks all other traffic which keeps your website secure.
Privacy Policy
Privacy policies are a must-have for your website. They detail the steps you take to protect a user’s personal information. Most websites have a link to their privacy policy in the footer so people can access it easily.
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication can be annoying for users, but nobody can deny it offers more security. It works by generating a code send to an email address or mobile number when someone accesses a site with their username and password.
Customer Support
Customer support is vital for any business, especially e-commerce sites. People want to access advice and support instantly, so it’s useful to display your contact details throughout your website.
It would help if you made it easy for your customers to reach you by providing numerous options. Include your phone number and email address on your contact page and encourage people to get in touch.
Live chat is becoming increasingly popular because it offers immediate support. If you want to guide your visitors through the buying journey and signpost them to relevant pages on your site, live chat can be incredibly helpful.
Don’t forget; we live in a see it, buy it, receive it tomorrow society. If you can offer immediate support to your visitors, you have a much higher chance of turning them into paying customers.
Returns Policy
Returns policies let users know the steps they need to take if they want to return a product and they’re essential for your website. There might be times when a customer wants to return an item, and if they know the process, they won’t need to contact your customer team.
Your returns policy should detail the timeframe in which a customer needs to return their item, the address they should send it to and whether or not you offer a collection service.
High-Quality Images and Videos
The worst thing you can do on your e-commerce site is to use stock photos. Your customers want to see the actual product, and if you don’t deliver that, then you won’t make a purchase. When you make an effort to showcase your products in their best light, your audience will see that you take pride in your stock.
Instead of using stock photos, display your products on a plain surface and take high-quality images. You should also incorporate videos showing items being used by people if you can. While written content is essential for blogging and telling your brand story, 91% of people prefer visual content.
It would be best if you also thought about how popular the products you sell are. If you use Google Shopping to display your items, then high-quality images will make your stock stand out, and people are more likely to visit your website.
Clear and Concise Shipping Info
It’s so frustrating when you purchase a product and wait weeks for the delivery. People want their items immediately, and if you can’t cater for this, then you need to let them know. Providing clear and concise shipping information gives your customers transparency on what they’ll pay for delivery and how long it will take.
People are always willing to spend more money if free shipping is included. You should always make it clear that you offer free shipping when someone spends a specific amount because your customers might purchase more items to qualify for free shipping.
Remember, if you can’t get peoples items to them within five days, then you need to let them know. If your customers like your products and you cater to a unique niche, most will be happy to wait.
Offer User Accounts & Guest Checkouts
In our opinion, there are two types of customers:
- “I need it” people
- “I might want it” customers
Type one consumers know they need to purchase an item, so they do some research, find the best price and want a hassle-free checkout process. Type two consumers identify with a brand, enjoy the products they offer and while they might not make an immediate purchase, they can become loyal customers.
Naturally, type one consumers might not want to fill in a form or create an account, but type two consumers will look forward to receiving updates about your products. To cater to both types, you should offer the options of guest checkouts and user accounts.
Users that frequent your site often can benefit from having an account that streamlines their sales process. One-click checkouts are popular because they save time, but never underestimate the importance of guest checkouts.
The Takeaway
A career in online shopping can offer many rewards, but your e-commerce website costs you a lot of money if you don’t include the above features. Your success depends on user experience, so never forget that the customer always comes first.
If you need some help with your e-commerce website design features, Zapp is here to help. Our professional UK web design platform has a wide range of e-commerce packages to fit your needs. You can find out more about what we do here.
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